Axor – Masterspeed Analogue Servo Drive

Axor’s Masterspeed Analogue Servo Drive is available from us here at Motor Technology. The Masterspeed drives are easily interchangable, replacing faulty or obsolete units. The Masterspeed module turns Axor’s Minispeed Eurocard format (100x160mm | 8-12TE) drive, into a stand-alone servo drive unit. The Minispeed drive cards are available in three voltage ranges 60, 140 and […]
DSS7 series ProfiNET closed-loop micro-stepping drive

The DDS7xP series stepper motor drives are equipped with PROFINET IO Industrial Ethernet fieldbus and are able to control the motor in Position, Velocity and Torque mode. The digital implementation and the vector control of the motor ensure high performances and efficiency. The IRT communication allows updating of the set points with a cycle time […]
DSS7 series EtherCAT closed-loop micro-stepping drive

The DDS7xE series stepper motor drives are equipped with EtherCAT fieldbus and support the CoE (CANopen over EtherCAT) protocol with CiA DS402 profile.The models with Encoder input allows the motor control in closed-loop, avoiding the step losses’ problems and improving the application performances. The dynamic control of the current allows to limit the motor heating […]
DSS6 series CanBUS closed-loop micro-stepping drive

The DDS6 series drives are realised in full digital technology and are suitable for the driving of two phases stepper motors. They are equipped with a CANopen fieldbus and can control the motor in torque, speed and position with high accuracy. In addition to the digital and analogue I/O they are provided with inputs for […]
DSS1 series closed-loop micro-stepping drive

With the DDS1 series, LAM Technologies redefines the stepper motor drive with pulses control enhancing it with new characteristics and functionalities. It is now possible to eliminate the loss of step, adjust the motor torque, handle the limit switches, control the motor with +/10V reference and have many other features to use the stepper motor […]
SAX 100 brushed DC Servo motors

SAX DC servo motors with permanent magnets are traditional, easy-to-use, motors that are extremely reliable and efficient. They have a favourable cost to performance ratio and are perfectly designed for use with the Microspeed, Minispeed and Masterspeed Servo Amplifiers and range from 0.045 to 2.7Nm. These servo motors (thanks to their permanent magnets) give high […]