The definition ‘digital servo drive’ typically describes a drive unit that can be ‘digitally’ configured. The progression from analogue to digital drive solutions also saw many of these new ‘digital’ drives operate direct from the mains supply. Therefore, particularly for AC servo drives, it may also be assumed that the drive operates ‘direct on-line’, from single- or three- phase mains, without the need for a transformer.
It should be noted that ‘direct on-line’ can have a different meaning, depending on the drives design. Some drives require ancillary components, such as filters or chokes, to meet EMC compliance. Others don’t.
However, digital servo drives can also be low-voltage units operating off a DC supply or batteries.
Digital drives do not have potentiometers, resistors, capacitors, solder bridges, etc. to effect the set-up, but a programmable interface. This might be accessed via an integrated or pluggable keypad, but is predominantly configured over a link to a PC.
The demand signal, most commonly represents a desired velocity, but can also represent a torque or position.
A feedback sensor in the servo motor reports the motor’s actual velocity and position back to the servo drive (closed loop control). The servo drive then compensates for the variation between demanded and actual values.
Servo systems can be very dynamic without sacrificing accuracy. Servo systems are also very energy efficient.
We offer:
- Single and multi-axis servo drive modules
- Digital, direct-on-line servo drives
- Low voltage digital drives for brushless and brushed motors
- Drives with integrated motion tasks and PLC programming functions
- Drive integrated servo motors

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