FastBACK Power Cables

Pre-assembled power & signal cables for “plug-n-play” connections to the Fast-Back® brushless servomotors. The CBLS cable must be used in accordance with the relevant service manual of the servodrive! All cables suitable for robotic applications. rque range is from 1.0 to 11 Nm. In conjunction with the MACK DRIVE servo drives, they offer an extremely […]

MicroSPEED plus – panel mount DC servo drives up to 4kW (MCSP)

The MICROSPEEDplus® servo amplifiers are ultra compact modules, the ideal solution for incremental motion control, velocity loop and positioning systems which require fast response, high torque at low speed, smooth speed control and high reliability. Power supply from 60 to 200 VDC with output current up to 20 Amps continuous / 40 Amps peak. Tacho-generator, […]

MackMOTOR Brushless Servo motor (MKM)

The new MACK MOTOR range of sinusoidal Brushless Servo Motors (8 poles) are compatible with AXOR’s servo drives Mack Drive, MiniMagnum and Magnum 400 and are available with medium or high inertia rotors. Torque range is from 1.0 to 11 Nm. In conjunction with the MACK DRIVE servo motor drives, they offer an extremely low-cost […]

SAX 100 brushed DC Servo motors

SAX DC servo motors with permanent magnets are traditional, easy-to-use, motors that are extremely reliable and efficient. They have a favourable cost to performance ratio and are perfectly designed for use with the Microspeed, Minispeed and Masterspeed Servo Amplifiers and range from 0.045 to 2.7Nm. These servo motors (thanks to their permanent magnets) give high […]

Mack UniNANO

AXOR’s Mack UniNANO (MKUN) builds on the Mack NANO platform and adds drive is an ulta compact, multi-function module for DC powered applications up to 2.5kW. Supply voltage is from 12 to 140 V and drive output is up to 35 Amps continuous, 70 Amps peak. Axor’s state of the art technology in electronics, design […]


Unlike the MACK DRIVE multi-axis servo drive range, the AXOR’s MACK Indy is designed with low axis count applications in mind. The drives are designed for a direct-on-line 230Vac, 50/60Hz single phase input and don’t require an expensive 24Vdc power supply for the logic circuit. The MACK INDY range is complemented by a range of 10 […]


The MACK system is based on a linked, modular design, with no fixed mechanical connection between the modules. All connections are over link-cables. EMC line filter, in-rush and regen circuits are all provided on the MACK POWER module and shared by the connected MACK DRIVE units.   Standard Features  • Several DRIVES powered by one […]

MackTRON Motor Drive Unit

A custom engineered solution to satisfy all demands for quick and simple cabling added to a first-in-class performance to size ratio. The Mack-Tron motor with integrated drive is the ideal solution for decentralised application architectures. The ultra compact format also makes it perfect for installation in limited space applications or where the small footprint allows […]