LST series brushless servo motors

Featuring conventional winding technology, the LST motor combines all the advantages of a 6-pole synchronous servomotor. The servomotors have Neodymium permanent magnets in the rotor. Because of the standardised flange and shaft measurements the motors can be easily combined with gearboxes and other equipment. Feedback The motors are equipped with two-pole hollow-shaft resolvers as standard, […]
SuperSAX brushless servomotors

With a contemporary design and a torque range from 0.35 to 30 Nm the SUPER SAX® (6 poles) motors are an excellent solution for the most demanding needs of industrial automation, where very high performance axis control is required. The SUPERSAX brushless servo motors are compatible with the Metronix ARS 2000, LTi c-Line and other […]
LSN series brushless servomotor

The LSN synchronous servomotors from LTi are brushless three-phase motors for high-end servo applications and are available in all speed and voltage variants furthermore they are particularly suitable for positioning tasks on machine tools, industrial robots, transfer lines, etc., as well as for applications with high demands on dynamic performance and stability. The standard models […]
SAX 100 brushed DC Servo motors

SAX DC servo motors with permanent magnets are traditional, easy-to-use, motors that are extremely reliable and efficient. They have a favourable cost to performance ratio and are perfectly designed for use with the Microspeed, Minispeed and Masterspeed Servo Amplifiers and range from 0.045 to 2.7Nm. These servo motors (thanks to their permanent magnets) give high […]