GEL 2311 – Multiturn absolute rotary kit-encoder

The new GEL 2311 kit-encoder acquires the absolute rotor position precisely and can be flexibly adapted to any drive. They comprise a ferromagnetic measuring scale and an electronic scanning unit. They provide the position data via the synchronous-serial interface according to SSI protocol as binary or gray code or using the BiSS protocol. In addition […]
GEL 2800 – Absolute rotary kit-encoder

The measuring unit comprises a magnetic sensor that provides an absolute single-turn position output based on the rotation of a ferromagnetic measuring wheel. Typically the tooth-wheel is mounted directly on the drive shaft. The GEL 2800 provides unambiguous position values at any angular position via an SSI or BISS interface. There is also an incremental […]
LSN series brushless servomotor

The LSN synchronous servomotors from LTi are brushless three-phase motors for high-end servo applications and are available in all speed and voltage variants furthermore they are particularly suitable for positioning tasks on machine tools, industrial robots, transfer lines, etc., as well as for applications with high demands on dynamic performance and stability. The standard models […]