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MiniSPEED eurocard rack system (RKM)

Axor’s RKM ® system is a technologically integrated drive solution. Up to 11 different axis modules can be integrated into a single RKM drive rack. The drives can be combined with power supplies and dump circuits. This system is cost effective, efficient, reliable and designed for high performance. Typical applications are: Systems where multiple axis are required, […]

MiniSPEED eurocard DC servo drives up to 5kW (AX-D-MS)

Axor’s MiniSPEED ® is a comprehensive line of eurocard format servodrives for brushed DC servomotors. Power supply from 63 to 200 VDC, with output current up to 25 An/50 Apk. Ideal for incremental motion control, velocity loops and positioning systems, which require fast response, precision and smooth control. Powering them requires only a single VDC power […]