Motion Perfect is designed to make setup, diagnostics, commissioning and using our range of Motion Coordinators as simple as possible. It provides the user with an easy to understand Windows based interface for rapid application development, controller configuration and monitoring of controller processes.

For the latest downloadable version, the following NEW features have been added to increase speed of development on Trio controllers:

New Oscilloscope… New interface with increased ranges and parameters lists enables more data to be captured for analysis. X/Y display mode now available so you can check interpolated motion in 2d. New feature so you can plot Table points to the oscilloscope to check CAM profiles.

New and Improved Digital interface wizards… Speed up your drive commissioning with the new Panasonic drive configuration tool. The SERCOS configuration tool has been completely rewritten with additional drives supported, new drives can be easily added. Both the SLM and CANopen configuration tools have been enhanced.

Support added for new program types… Where supported by the controller Motion Perfect 2 can now work with a suitable third party product to load IEC 61131-3 project. Again where supported Motion Perfect 2 can add text files to the controller.

New dialog for selecting communications links… The new dialogue enable simple control and configuration of your communication links.

TrioBASIC assist… The new Keyword assist speeds up programming by suggesting which keyword you may wish to use. Once you have selected your keyword the parameter assist details the parameters for the keyword. Together these enable you to speed up our programming by reducing keystrokes and time spend checking the manual for parameter lists.

Motion Perfect…

  • Makes it easier and quicker to generate sophisticated motion control applications
  • Integrated Project Manager which keeps all the files associated with an application together and up to date.
  • One programming interface for ALL Trio controllers
  • Command Line terminal window to interrogate the controller even when programs are running.
  • Comprehensive system monitoring and diagnostics tools.

Available as a FREE download from our the Trio website.

Can be used without purchasing the Motion Coordinator hardware using MC Simulator to enable the development of programs offline and features an integrated software oscilloscope.

Many other useful utilities are available to make using Trio easy and rewarding.


  • One software environment for ALL Trio controllers
  • Software simulator to allow off-line programme development
  • Integrated software oscilloscope
  • Adittional software tools such as CAD2Motion, CamGen, G-CODE processing, Project Encryptor, ao.