FlexSlice 16 digital outputs, NPN (P376)

P377 digital input Flexslice

The P376 digital output slice connects the binary control signals from the Motion Coordinator to the machine’s output devices, such as relays, contactors, valves, lamps etc. at 24V dc. All 16 outputs are sink (NPN) type and have electrical isolation.  Outputs and power connection are via 2 x single-row plug-in screw terminal blocks.  The Flexslice […]

FlexSlice 16 digital outputs, PNP (P371)

P377 digital input Flexslice

The P376 digital output slice connects the binary control signals from the Motion Coordinator to the machine’s output devices, such as relays, contactors, valves, lamps etc. at 24V dc. All 16 outputs are source (PNP) type and have electrical isolation. Outputs and power connection are via 2 x single-row plug-in screw terminal blocks. The Flexslice […]

CAN IO – 16-in / out Digital (P319)

Trio CAN I_O range

The Trio CAN16 Input/Output module offers a compact DIN rail mounted I/O expansion capability for all Trio Motion Coordinators. Up to 16 P319 modules may be connected to the CAN network which may be up to 100m long. This provides 256 distributed bi-directional input/output channels at 24Vdc level. All input points are high level, (24V […]

CAN IO – 16-out Digital (P317)

Trio CAN I_O range

The Trio CAN16 Output module offers a compact DIN rail mounted output expansion capability for all Trio Motion Coordinators. Up to 16 P317 modules may be connected to the CAN network which may be up to 100m long. This provides 256 distributed output channels at 24Vdc level. All points are short-circuit proof and completely isolated […]