GKC classic series worm gearboxes with GHA anti-bacterial coating

The “G.H.A.” (Golden Hard Anodizing) treatment is the latest and most innovative technology applicable to aluminum-based alloys surfaces. This is an anodic oxidation process enriched with silver ions which gives the treated surface exceptional antibacterial, anti-corrosion, anti-wear and thermal conductivity properties.The anodic oxidation generates a protective layer of ceramic type, very hard, refractory to heat and […]
X series, worm gearbox

The worm reduction gears come in two series: X and H. The series X, featuring a worm and worm wheel set, is available in versions XA with shaft and XF-XC with mounting provisions for motor. Version XF (bell housing + coupling) offers great versatility to suit a broad range of applications and provides higher efficiency […]
GHA premium, antibacterial gearboxes

The “G.H.A.” (Golden Hard Anodizing) treatment is the latest and most innovative technology applicable to aluminium-based alloys surfaces. This is an anodic oxidation process enriched with silver ions which gives the treated surface exceptional antibacterial, anti-corrosion, anti-wear and thermal conductivity properties.The anodic oxidation generates a protective layer of ceramic type, very hard, refractory to heat and […]