BK Series, metal bellows drive couplings
HIGH PRECISION, ZERO BACKLASH, AND TORSIONALLY STIFF: METAL BELLOWS COUPLINGS High precision bellows couplings are used wherever positional accuracy and dynamic motion are in demand. This can be in medical devices, test stands, wind power turbines, servo axes in machine tools, wood processing machinery, packaging machinery and many more high performance equipment types. BK Series […]
MK Series, miniature metal bellows couplings
BACKLASH FREE AND USER FRIENDLY: MINIATURE BELLOWS COUPLINGS Where torques as low as 0.05 Nm are to be transmitted and shaft diameters as small as 1mm are to be connected, the miniature bellows couplings, MK series, are the right choice. As a result of the trend toward miniaturization – for example, in medical technology, laboratory […]
SK Series, Torque limiting couplings
The trend in industry is to design and incorporate more automation into production processes. Machines are becoming more accurate, requiring a higher degree of precision. They are becoming faster, using servo and DC drive technology, and they are more rigid to withstand the dynamic loads necessary to increase capacity and productivity. Torque overloads caused by […]